Therapy, Healing Justice,
& Flower Medicine

I am a queer abolitionist, parent, caregiver, healing justice practitioner, therapist, a conduit to flower spirit messages, and an earth worker.

I believe that my spirit’s work is to bring people together to create healing portals that feed our liberation and our collective path towards justice, and to aid in reconciling the relationship between humans and the earth.

I am a healer that works in different modalities: therapist, organizational consultant, ceremonialist, flower medicine practitioner.


Guiding Principles


Life as Ceremony

Ceremony is an act of bridging ourselves to the sacred and the invisible. Ceremony connects us to ourselves, our Spirit, and our path. Ceremony heals, expands. Engaging our Life as Ceremony offers us an opportunity to honor the sacredness that life is- in the mundane as well as the “specialness” of life. 

Love and Be Loved

To give oneself to those whom we love, to share our time with that which we love and are dedicated to - and to allow that same quality of love to be reciprocated - is the essence of the healing journey.  Despite this being one of the hardest challenges we face, when we edge closer to allowing ourselves to be loved and cared for,  we experience our own healing with that much more depth. 

Interdependence & Reciprocity with the Earth

The earth is a grand teacher of reciprocity, interdependence, forgiveness, and transformation. Observing and working the land on which we live is a gateway to exponential healing.  

Healing is Possible

Systems of oppression are deeply invested in convincing us that healing is not possible and that we are better off  getting used to living in our traumatized bodies.  We reject this lie first by opening ourselves to the possibility that we can heal, thrive and live a life beyond our wildest dreams.