“I have had the honor of working with Agua Dulce as my student/teacher for the last 12 years. I have been witness to her transformations and to her commitment as a medicine person who walks with the medicine of plants, flowers, sweet water, and ceremony. She has channeled and created sacred plant medicines for herself and our community. Both in and out of ceremony, her work is absolutely necessary for our changing world.”

—Queen Hollins, Earthlodge Center for Transformation, Priestess, Earth Steward, and Ceremonial Minister

Agua Dulce has been studying the healing powers of flower medicine since 2001.

In a journey to heal themselves and come back into balance emotionally and spiritually- they embarked on an intimate study of self in relationship to the healing magic and properties of flowers. During this time Agua Dulce photographed themselves and flowers as a way to heal and connect to the spirit messages of flowers. Fast forward to 2018 Agua Dulce explored taking photos of their LGBTQI and non-binary community wrapped in flower medicine that she guided them to create. In all forms whether it is photographing flowers, intaking flowers as medicine or food, growing flowers and making medicine for herself or others- Agua Dulce believes that inviting flowers into our lives will heal us in the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical realms.

In 2009, she met her teacher, Elder and friend, Queen Hollins, at what has become Agua Dulce’s spiritual home, the Earthlodge Center for Healing and Transformation. It is when she met Queen that Agua Dulce was encouraged to go deeper into her flower and plant medicine alchemy. Since apprenticing with Queen, Agua Dulce has learned to connect with flowers as guides and allies for personal and collective transformation. Agua Dulce was invited to participate in the Earthlodge’s Gatekeeper training program and has remained connected to her spiritual community for 12 years.

She has served as an anchor for seasonal ceremonies, personal ceremonies and collective rituals. Through her work with Queen, Agua Dulce has been able to experience earth medicine in her own personal journey healing grief, sadness, and removing blockages that do not serve her higher self or purpose in this lifetime. Agua Dulce uses her personal struggles and triumphs as a foundation for the healing work that she offers to the community.


Offerings for 1-1 consultations and workshops for groups

Medicine Making

herbal teas, tinctures, flower essences, ointments/salves,
and flower medicine bundles 

Making medicine together looks like gathering and preparing herb and flower bundles (used for teas, protection, dream enhancement), herbal baths and limpias, salt baths & aromatherapy spritzers, sacred beading (making your own intentioned jewelry), creating vision boards, learning about the spiritual properties of aromatherapy, and much more.

Medicine we make is used in rituals that connect you to your Spirit Guides, ancestors, animal totems, and clearing the path for new possibilities to arise. 

Other offerings:

  • Flower & Oracle Card Readings

  • Finding your plant and flower allies:

    • Guided meditations

    • Rituals

  • Grief Release Ceremony

  • Ceremonies for personal and collective healing

  • Altar making for ancestor communication


“Agua Dulce is a pleasure to sit with in ceremonial settings. She is seasoned and skilled and can call upon the right flower medicine to help usher in healing and grounding. We've been working ceremony together for over 10 years and I look forward to many more.”

-Denna Dean, Earth Steward at Earthlodge Center for Transformation