“Agua Dulce and I first met in 2016 when I was organizing a healing space for queer herbalists in LA. She participated in the space, bringing plant and flower medicine bundles — and I’ll never forget the ways the flowers took over and provided so much care for everyone who attended. This is how I have continued to experience and learn from Agua Dulce. Her vital connection to the natural world roots her, and her deep practice of liberation-centered spirituality and healing justice organizing grounds her. I have learned so much from and with her. Although we now organize together, I consider Agua Dulce one of my core teachers around healing justice. She has taught me how to bring my full self into this work, to trust the relational threads that tie together our collective realities (past, present and future) and how to practice liberation in an embodied way.”

—Syd Yang, Healing Justice practitioner and Healer


Agua Dulce is a fierce believer in Healing Justice and Transformative Justice as strategies towards Abolition; a world without binaries, borders and cages. Their consulting and coaching services will deepen your organization’s practice of Healing Justice and support you through the details of embracing Healing Justice as an organization.

  • — How can a Healing Justice framework enhance your mission and vision, and guide your strategic plan?

    — What are the challenges you face in your organizational role (director, organizer, volunteer member, etc.) that limit your ability to fully embrace a Healing Justice framework?

    — Where are the opportunities within your organization to bring in more healing and Healing Justice practices? What do you need in order to make space for healing justice in your department/organization?

    — How do you incorporate Healing Justice into your organizational/departmental budget for the long term?

    — What steps can you take now to move towards practicing a Healing Justice framework with your staff and membership?

  • — A review of Human Resources and Operations practices that embrace a Healing Justice framework

    — Operational and technical support that strategically moves your organization towards a Healing Justice framework

    — Training your team in Healing Justice herstory, lineage, practices, and framework 

    — Training your team in the Healing Justice Toolkit (2018) and the Healing Justice Train the Trainer (2021)

    — Support in Healing Justice strategizing inclusive of building out a local politicized healers network 

    — An accountability partner that encourages your organization to adopt a Healing Justice framework both internally (within human resources, operations, and staff relationships) and externally (with your membership)

HJ Train the Trainer and CA Healers Network Launch

Source: Culturas, November 2021

Healing Justice Movement Biography

  • In the year 2000 Agua Dulce moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to study Political Science and Education at the University of San Francisco. It was there that she was introduced to School of the Americas Watch, an organization fighting for the demilitarization of Central and South and Central America. During her seven year commitment to this movement Agua Dulce learned the power of collective action and the importance of rooting social movements in art, theater and culture. SOAW taught Agua Dulce that movements can make space for grief and healing; and that grieving together is a powerful tool for power building and transformation. 

    When Agua Dulce moved back to Los Angeles in 2005, they moved to South Central to organize with youth and their families at a local community center. Very soon after arriving on this new path, Agua Dulce became an active member of T.R.U.S.T. South L.A. a local land trust fighting for affordable housing and green spaces for South Central communities. The movement lessons learned during these years (2005- 2014) are part of the medicine she now carries into all movement work and her work as a Healing Justice consultant.

    These lessons are: 

    *Organizing begins in the authenticity of the relationships one nurtures;

    *Political education is necessary as a tool in the process of concientización, becoming politically aware, raising our own and collective consciousness;

    *Movements that center thoughtful leadership development processes-help create committed, sustainable, and hopeful teams.

    All of these experiences are brought into her work as a Healing Justice consultant. 

  • From 2013-2015, Agua Dulce served as a board member of Dignity and Power Now, a Los Angeles-based organization that fights for the dignity of all incarcerated people and their families.  She accepted the role of Director of Programs (2015) and then, Director of Healing and Wellness (2017- 2020). In these roles, her goal was to lead Healing Justice work that honored the powerful legacies of BIPOC communities while creating infrastructure for a sustainable movement connected politicized healers network, called Building Resilience. They did this by spending five years strategically organizing healers into abolitionist movement work focused on liberation and justice for Black, Brown, and poor communities in Los Angeles. With much dedication and heart Agua Dulce created programs that served families who had suffered the loss of their children at the hands of the state (police violence, etc). These programs embodied healing justice and transformative justice as strategies towards abolition. 

    Currently, Agua Dulce is the Healing Justice Organizer for Justice Teams Network, where she is building out a statewide politicized Healers Network in California. She is also training communities across California in Healing Justice principles and practices using a Healing Justice train-the-trainer facilitators manual she wrote with the loving support and editing guidance of Cat Brooks and the Justice Teams Network. As part of her Healing Justice practice, Agua Dulce is most excited about sharing sacred medicine making and earth based rituals with rapid response organizations across California and beyond.

 Healing Justice Resources/Tools

HJ Train the Trainer, 2021

HJ Toolkit, 2018

Sign up for the CA Healers Network


“In my pursuit to create the most effective organizing techniques, I have worked with numerous people with organizing skills -- few have had the gifts of Agua Dulce. As director of Dignity and Power Now's Health & Wellness program, Agua Dulce co-created a program of healing justice that has become a widely recognized program throughout the state of California. Within the Dignity and Power Now Health and Wellness program, Agua Dulce has created a module of healers and organizers to respond to crises and trauma caused by law enforcement violence. Simultaneously, Agua Dulce has created a community of politically and healing informed practitioners who act to transform the consequences of oppression on our collective bodies, hearts and minds.”

—Trudy Goodwin, Healing Justice practitioner and Healer